Malayalam actor Pragya Nagra broke her silence on her fake intimate video. She shared a post on X and called the incident a 'bad dream.' Listen to Story Pragya Nagra reacted to her fake leaked video She shared a post on social media and called out the 'evil minds' She termed it as a 'bad incident On Friday, the internet was abuzz with reports of Nagra's private intimate videos hittingthe internet throw the backdoors. On social media sites, there were video clips doing rounds which were Malayalam actress Pragya Nagra faces controversy as an alleged private sex video leaked online. Details about the viral MMS clips and her response remain awaited. Pragya Nagra's alleged private videos have leaked online, creating a significant buzz across social media. Actress Pragya Nagra, who made her debut with Tamil film 'Varalaru Mukkiyam' starring Pragya Nagra has become a focal point in the entertainment world following the recent leak of her alleged private videos online. The actress broke her silence on the issue, addressing the controversy through a social media post. Pragya Nagra hails from a Punjabi family in Ambala, Haryana. She Pragya Nagra Leaked Video Controversy: Weeks after several Pakistani Tiktokers found themselves in the middle of their alleged private clips leaking online, the Malayalam industry seems to be the new target of this fiasco. Days after actress Divya Prabha, an intimate video claiming to be of Pragya Nagra has surfaced on the internet causing massive uproar among her fans and followers. Pragya Nagra, a rising star in the South film industry, has sparked controversy after a private video, featuring Pragya in a compromising position, got leaked on the internet allegedly and went The alleged leak of explicit videos purportedly featuring South Indian actress Pragya Nagra has created a stir on social media platforms.Reports, including one from Odisha TV, suggest that the Actress Pragya Nagra has spoken out regarding the recent controversy surrounding the
leak of a purported private video. The video, which made rounds on social media last week, has caused an uproar among her fans and the public. Taking to her social media platform, Pragya issued a statement where she emphatically denied the video's authenticity. Disclaimer: This article contains potentially triggering content. South actress Pragya Nagra has recently landed in a controversy after unverified private videos allegedly leaked online.